Monday, September 7, 2020


 We need Motivation for a new beginning every day, whenever we feel like we lose here, we need some quotes to stay Motivate.
 Here for you  some qourts that will always keep you motive to do your work.
     Hope conquer everything.

 Life is all about where you place yourself.

  Welcome to the struggle of life.

We all are blessed the gifts
Water, land, sunlight, air.

 Words are only symbols of Idea.

Understanding nature's language it's just a magic.

The books matter to me as much as the air matters to people.

 You have to accept that friend is your need.

 there is lot of money in world but you need to know how to attract it.

 To swim in book, is to witness a thousand magination.

 You deserve best in your life.

Be dynamic like colours.

The doer are never the thinker, and the thinker are never
 the doer.

 Simple life is always great life.

Words are only symbols of Idea.

See yourself with the good that you desire.

Being happy is unlimited thing.

Do, what makes you feel happy.

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