Thursday, April 15, 2021

best gardening tips

10 Top Gardening Tips for Beginners

Wondering how to start a garden? Find your confidence with these expert gardening tips.

Illustration of person holding a watering can and standing outside of a house.
Never gardened before? No problem. Make your grow-you-own dreams a reality with these 10 easy-to-follow tips.

the complete grap growing system

1. Site it right.

Starting a garden is just like real estate it's all about location. Place your garden in a part of your yard where you'll see it regularly (out of sight, out of mind definitely applies to gardening). That way, you'll be much more likely to spend time in it.

Illustration of person planting in a raised bed.

2. Follow the sun.

Misjudging sunlight is a common pitfall when you're first learning to garden. Pay attention to how sunlight plays through your yard before choosing a spot for your garden. Most edible plants, including many vegetables, herbs, and fruits, need at least 6 hours of sun in order to thrive.

3. Stay close to water.

One of the best gardening tips you'll ever get is to plan your new garden near a water source. Make sure you can run a hose to your garden site, so you don't have to lug water to it each time your plants get thirsty. The best way to tell if plants need watering is to push a finger an inch down into the soil (that's about one knuckle deep). If it's dry, it's time to water.

Illustration of three different types of Miracle-Gro soils.

4. Start with great soil.

When starting a garden, one of the top pieces of advice is to invest in soil that is nutrient-rich and well-drained. Achieve this just-right blend by mixing 3 inches of Miracle-Gro® All Purpose Garden Soil into the top 6 to 8 inches of existing soil if you're planning to plant in the ground. If you're planting in a raised bed, use Miracle-Gro® Raised Bed Soil, which is the perfect weight and texture for raised bed growing.

5. Consider containers.

When space is at a premium, look to containers. You can grow many plants in pots, including vegetables, herbs, flowers, fruit trees, berries, and shrubs. When gardening in containers, use a pot that's large enough for the plant it's hosting, and fill it with Miracle-Gro® Moisture Control® Potting Mix. Not only is it specially formulated to help plants in pots thrive, but it also helps protect against over- and under-watering.
Illustration of person holding a plant in each hand.

6. Choose the right plants.

It's important to select plants that match your growing conditions. This means putting sun-loving plants into a sunny spot, choosing heat-tolerant plants in warm climates, and giving ground-gobbling vines like pumpkins and melons ample elbow room (or a trellis to climb). Do your homework and pick varieties that will grow well where you live and in the space you have. And to get a step up on success when growing veggies and herbs, start with vigorous young plants from Bonnie Plants® instead of trying to grow from seed.

7. Discover your zone.

Knowing your "hardiness zone" can help you choose the best plants. Simply put, it describes the coldest place a plant can grow. The higher the zone number, the warmer the climate. So if a plant is "hardy to zone 4" and you garden in zone 5, that plant will survive in your yard. If, however, you're in zone 3, it's too cold to grow that particular plant. Find out your hardiness zone.

8. Learn your frost dates.

Planting too early (or late) in the season can spell disaster for your garden. You need to know the last average spring frost date for your area so you don't accidentally kill plants by putting them out prematurely. It's also good to know your first average fall frost date so that you get your plants harvested or moved indoors before late-season cold damages them. Discover the average first and last frost dates for your area.

Illustration of person mulching yard.

9. Add some mulch.

Apply a layer of mulch that's 2 to 3 inches deep around each plant. This will help reduce weeds by blocking out the sun, and reduce moisture loss through evaporation, so you have to water less. For a polished look, put down a layer of Scotts® bagged mulch. Or, you can put down straw, shredded leaves, pine straw, or some other locally available material.

10. Feed plants regularly.
We've already talked about the importance of starting with great soil, but that soil works best in concert with regular boosts of high-quality nutrition for your plants. In other words, amazing soil + top-notch plant food = super garden success! So, a month after planting, begin feeding your garden with plant food like Miracle-Gro® Water Soluble All Purpose Plant Food. Be sure to follow label directions.

the complete grap growing system

This article is taken from

Monday, March 29, 2021


5 Books Every College Student Must Read

“Today’s Readers Are Tomorrow’s Leaders.” In this article, you will get to know about 5 good and motivational books that every college student must-read. We all aspire to be successful and famous in our lives and we draw our inspiration from the people around us about whom we read daily in newspapers and magazines e.g. Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Mark Zukerberg, APJ Abdul Kalam and many more. We try to follow their path and read about them to get an insight into their lives and discover what makes them different from all the others. Well, the one thing that makes them stand out from the crowd is their habit of reading. 

  1. The Alchemist: Written beautifully by the famous writer Paulo Coelho. Alchemist is a book that somehow resonates with each one of us through the protagonist Santiago, an Andalusian shepherd boy. It tells you about the basic human desires, we all have passion for something which some of us follow whereas the other hide within, due to the fear of the society and the world. This book teaches us the essential wisdom of listening to our hearts, recognizing the opportunities and learning to read the omens strewn along life’s path and most importantly to follow your dreams. We all are aware of the principles that govern the world and which are necessary for one to follow, this book reminds us of all those principles:
  2. People are capable at any time in their lives of doing what they dream of.
  3. When you want something, the entire universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.
  4. Love never keeps a man from pursuing his destiny
  5. The secret of life though is to fall seven times and to get up for the eighth time
  6. The fear of suffering is worse than the suffering itself. No heart has ever suffered when it goes in search of its dreams.

  1. Everyone seems to have a clear idea of how others should lead their lives, but none about his or her own..price on amazon.

  1. The Last lecture: We all go to our elders for advice, words of wisdom and for any suggestion. Well, this book is written on similar grounds. At 47 Professor Randy Pausch of Carnegie Mellon University is diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and this is his last lecture that he writes for all his students and the readers, inspiring them to live each day with purpose and joy. The book is both inspiring and powerful and you never want it to end. Pausch tells his life stories that revolve around dreaming big, hard work, perseverance, sacrifice, self-confidence, modesty, courage, positive outlook and dealing with adversity. Some of the beautiful lines that one comes across while reading this book are:
  1. Luck is where preparation meets opportunity
  2. The brick walls are not there to keep us out, but instead to give us a chance to show how badly we want something. They are there to stop other people.
  3. Experience is what you get when you didn’t get what you wanted. And experience is often the most valuable thing you have to offer.
  4. The key question to keep asking is, are you spending your time on the right things? Because time is all you have.

  1. Never ever underestimate the importance of having fun.price on amazon.

  1. 7 habits of Highly Effective People: Written by Stephen R. Covey in the awake condition of 90s when Americans needed higher productivity in business, this book concentrates on how habits are developed and what types of habits are needed to be highly productive. The author believes that habits are the results of repeated actions and a certain level of commitment. The author in 4 parts of the book introduces and explains the 7 habits that make one great and highly effective. The seven habits are :
  1. Pro-active: Happiness, like unhappiness, is a proactive choice.
  2. Begin with the end in mind: All things are created twice – Once it is created in the mind and the other becomes physically visible.
  3. Put first things first: The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule but to schedule your priorities
  4.  Think win-win: Sow a thought, reap an action; sow an action, reap a habit; sow a habit, reap a character; sow a character, reap a destiny.
  5. Seek first to understand than be understood: Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply.
  6. Synergize: Success of human life can be achieved through habit of synergy in every walk of life.

  1. Sharpen the saw: We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a hab.price on amazon..

  1. The Fountainhead: Right from our childhood we are advised to be crazy for your passion. Only when you follow it with your heart and mind you get what you dream of. Well in this book Ayn Rand beautifully crafts a story around 5 characters with her protagonist being Howard Roark. The story describes the art of survival in a society which refuses to accept your principles and thoughts. The book may not grab your attention at first but as it moves forward, the life of Roark makes you question your own ethics. Ayn describes how some people just settle for what is offered to them while only the talented and the dreamers shape their life their style. Roark is very passionate and dedicated to his dream of being an architect but he refuses to design buildings in a regular way. He is also very humble and secure about his talent which is why he does not mind helping his friend, Keating, in designing building though he gains absolutely nothing out of it. All the characters in the book describe different types of people one encounters in their journey of life.price on amazon.

  1. Ignited Minds: A book dedicated to the youth and the students of the country; Ignited Minds is a blessing Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam has bestowed on us before leaving. Written in an essay form the book is easy to understand and a must-read for the youth of India. The book begins with an inspirational message to the youth of India to dream big and to believe that their dream will come true. In his book Dr. Kalam questions the attitude of Indians to settle down. With limited achievement and without utilizing their full potential –resources, talent and skills he talks to the Indian youth who have stopped dreaming and are just following the rat race of doing what others around are doing. Dr. Kalam talks about the fusion of science and spirituality, where he emphasis how important spiritual development is along with the development in other areas like education, agriculture, Information Technology, etc. price on amazon.

    Some beautiful lines from the book are:

    1. Thinking is the capital, Enterprise is the way, Hard Work is the solution
    2. I realized then that if something is at stake, the human mind gets ignited and working capacity gets enhanced manifold.
    3. Change is crucial. It brings new thought; new thought leads to innovative actions.
    4. Men often become what they believe themselves to be. If I believe I cannot do something, it makes me incapable of doing it. But when I believe I can, then I acquire the ability to do it even if I didn’t have it in the beginning.
    5. Dream, Dream, Dream. Dreams transform into thoughts and thoughts result in action.
    6. this article taken from

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

5 makeup brands

Top Makeup brands in India- 2021  skin care

Choosing the right makeup brands from the thousands available in the market can be a daunting prospect. Whatever product we select, has to suit an individual needs and preferences. And we tend to be extra careful when spending large sums of money on these products. Because ultimately, it is a matter of looking the best either on daily basis or on a special occasion.

Top Makeup Brands in India

flat lay photography of beauty products
Photo by Hana Brannigan on

This post contains affiliate link. For the purchases made through these links, we may earn a commission.

most popular skin care brands

This list will tell you the most sought after makeup brands in India. This list is just about the most popular or the trending makeup brands.

  1. L’Oréal
  2. Lakme
  3. Oriflame
  4. Maybelline
  5. MAC
  6. Avon
  7. Colorbar
  8. Revlon
  9. NYX
  10. Elle18

10 vegan & cruelty free makeup brands
The following list will definitely make all my paw friends very happy. But to remember not necessarily all the products of the said brand will be vegan or cruelty free. So make sure to check the label before you buy them.

Top 10 Dermatologist tested makeup brands

 I will still suggest everyone to take the allergy test before you start using the product.

 I will still suggest everyone to take the allergy test before you start using the product.

  1. MAC
  2. Colorbar
  3. Sugar
  4. Nykaa
  5. Maybelline
  6. Rimmel london
  7. Faces Canada
  8. Estee lauder
  9. Kay beauty
  10. Swiss beauty

Top 10 Indian cosmetic brands

Here is the list of Indian made cosmetic brands. We do have a lot of Skin-care brands that are Indian made, but the number of makeup brands made in India are limited.

  1. Lakme
  2. Colorbar
  3. Lotus herbal
  4. Nykaa
  5. PAC
  6. Daily life Forever52
  7. Coloressence
  8. Elle 18
  9. B&D
  10. Blue heaven

Top 10 Herbal & Natural makeup brands in India

We are now a days very aware of the products we use. Many of us prefer natural or herbal products over popular products. Here is the list of top herbal and natural makeup brands in India

  1. Lotus herbal
  2. Just herbs
  3. Himalaya
  4. Soul tree
  5. Jovees
  6. Earth Rhythm
  7. VLCC
  8. Khadi natural
  9. Biotique
  10. Asa care product 


    Bridal Bliss top 10 value for money makeup

  11. Maybelline
  12. Colorbar
  13. Morphe
  14. Lakme
  15. LA Girl
  16. Elf cosmetics
  17. Makeup Revoulution
  18. Rimmel london

  1. Wet & wild       skin care product

Article taken from Bridalbiss

Saturday, March 20, 2021

best skateboards brand

13 Best Skateboards In India In 2021

Skateboarding is a fun and active sport. Whether you are a beginner or a professional, you need a good-quality skateboard to ride on or perform tricks. Regular skating helps burn off calories, keeps the body flexible, strengthens growing muscles, releases stress, and improves the coordination between your eyes, arms, legs, and feet. Buying the right board that fits your lifestyle and location could help you gain more balance and perform better.

To help you select from the variety of brands and options available in the market, we give you a list of the best skateboards in India and a buying guide to help you choose well.

13 Best Skateboards In India To Buy

1. Strauss Bronx Skateboard

Strauss Bronx Skateboard jump training

The Strauss Bronx skateboard comes with quality components paired with eye-catching graphics. It features high-grade carbon-bearing, PU wheels, aluminum alloy hanger, and baseplate. The non-slip grip tape offers better durability. You may take it for light tricks and cruising.


  • High-quality carbon ball bearings promote a smooth ride
  • Net dimension is 31(L)x 8(W)in
  • Comes with 55x37mm wheels
  • Maximum weight capacity is 100kg
  • Made with eight-ply layers of maple wood
  • Firm wooden base provides a secure footing
  • Five-inch wide truck made of solid steel

2. Nivia Skateboard

Nivia Skateboard

vertical jump training

Here is a good-to-ride skateboard from Nivia, which is comfortable for beginners. The attractive design with artistic and iconic graphics could be a unique addition to your collection. It is lightweight and goes great on smooth surfaces. You will get it in two different colors of blue and black.


  • Premium ball bearings for a safe and smooth ride
  • Anti-skid deck for better stability and control
  • Comes pre-assembled
  • Maximum weight capacity is 70kg
  • Net dimension is 31(L)x 8(W)in
  • Sturdy and durable

3. Jaspo Hurricane Skateboard

Jaspo Hurricane Skateboard jump training

This classic skateboard for tricks comes in a double kick, concave design. It is also suitable for action and 360s. The sturdy skateboard is ideal for practicing and cruising for both adults and children. It features precision bearing, two-piece grip tapes, and 55mm PU wheels.


  • Lightweight and durable standard deck made of fiber
  • Four-inch nylon truck weighing 220.4lb
  • Capacity of 100kg
  • High-speed bearing, PU-injected 85A PVC wheels
  • Supersoft PU bushings
  • Ideal for skaters of all skill levels
  • Requires no assembly

4. Swagtron 66242-2 Swag Board NG-1 Motorized Electric Skateboard

Swagtron 66242-2 Swag Board jump traning 

The Swagtron sway board is an electric skateboard that helps you ride effortlessly. It can be used as both standard and electric skateboard. Equipped with the latest sentry shield technology, it is chargeable and durable. It is made from maple wood and has a premium grip tape that gives it a trendy and fashionable look.


  • Flexible seven-ply maple wood
  • Grip tape keeps feet firm and balanced
  • Wireless LED remote helps control speed, brakes, and cruising
  • Remote also displays speed and battery status
  • Wheels made of polyurethane material
  • 24v li-on FE battery allows you to go up to 11mph and up to 10miles with a single charge

5. Klapp Skateboard

Klapp Skateboard jump training 

If you want to buy a mini skateboard for your child aged between five and eight years, this could be an ideal choice. It is a unisex board suitable for both boys and girls. The smooth finishing can be used for all street surfaces.


  • High-quality ball bearings for a smooth ride
  • Excellent and smooth finish
  • Comes in multiple colors and prints
  • Attractive and colorful 3D graphics on the board
  • No assembly required

6. Famous Quality Wave Board

Famous Quality Wave Board

vertical jump traning

The Famous Quality wave board is suitable for children aged above seven years. It features a slip-resistant concave deck platform and high-grade urethane wheels. The glowing wheels can make your ride safer by making the way visible.


  • High-grade bearings ensure a smooth ride
  • Heavy-duty wave board
  • Illuminating wheels have LED flashlights
  • Pivoting deck and 360° caster trucks
  • Alloy-made internal body and wheels
  • Smooth maneuverability of skating and snowboarding
  • Can withstand capacity of 100kg

7. EUPHORIC INC Waveboard


vertical jump traning

This wave board from EUPHORIC INC is recommended for kids. It features a unique steel torsion bar that helps achieve high acceleration without much effort from the skater. It also features an anti-slip concave platform. This skateboard helps improve balance, endurance, and flexibility.


  • Made of high-end ABS plastic
  • Net dimension is 33.7(L)x 9.05(W)in
  • Maximum weight capacity is 80kg
  • PU wheels come with glowing LED lights
  • Suitable for children over six years
  • 360° rotating castor trucks

8. Kamachi Skateboard

Kamachi Skateboard

vertical jump traning

The Kamachi is a good-quality skateboard that comes fully assembled. It is suitable for both beginners and professionals as it offers proper balancing. The slow-moving wheels allow you to flip quickly and ride smoothly. It is useful for practicing tricks on walking streets, roads, and parks, among others.


  • Portable and ideal for any skill level
  • Topline wooden construction
  • PU wheels
  • Available in three different sizes
  • Small-size dimension is 17(L)x 5(W)in
  • Medium-size dimension is 24(L)x 6(W)in
  • Large-size dimension is 31(L)x 8(W)in

9. Sprugal Skateboard

Sprugal Skateboard

vertical jump training

The Sprugal skateboard, available in vibrant color schemes and skeleton motifs, offers fun and entertainment to your child. It features bigger wheels for proper balance and great speed. This allows you to ride on many surfaces, including poolside, streets, and parks. Other unique features are non-slip strong board surface, multilayer maple deck, hanger, and baseplate.


  • Made of maple wood ply, and two-sided graphic finishes
  • Wooden base adds safety, security, and comfort
  • Aluminum alloy trucks with PU bushing and cushion
  • ABEC 9+ skateboard bearings
  • Durable PU brushing wheel
  • Net dimension is 31(L)x 8(W)in
  • Comes with 62x38mm wheels
  • Maximum weight-bearing capacity of 75kg

10. IRIS Complete Cruiser Skateboard

IRIS Complete Cruiser Skateboard

vertical jump training

Iris skateboards are available in different vibrant hues and HD printed graphic designs that make them attractive. It has a super-strong base plate and suspension shockers, which offer safety and security during skating. The illuminating wheels come in different colors, making them ideal for children, teenagers, and youth.


  • Made of non-bendable and durable polypropylene material
  • Offers stability and comfort
  • Four casters made of resistant PU
  • High-speed ball bearings support skateboard and move it smoothly
  • Comes fully assembled
  • Sturdy wide deck lasts long
  • Supports skateboarding on different surfaces

11. Prospo Skate Board

Prospo Skate Board

vertical jump training

If you are a skating fanatic, then you may prefer buying this stylish skateboard from Prospo. It is made from high-quality material and is recommended for children aged between 7-14 years.


  • Comes in bold color prints
  • High-grade bearings ensure a smooth ride
  • Net dimension is 24(L)x 6(W)in
  • Rubberized smooth sail wheels
  • Strong metal construction
  • Megna finish
  • Firm and sturdy wooden base

12. Jonex Super Tenacity Mini Skate Board

Jonex Super Tenacity Mini Skate Board

vertical jump training

This is another mini skateboard you may prefer for your kid. The non-skid surface with a green top layer makes it look stylish and attractive. It is easy to handle and carry, making it an ideal skateboard for children aged from four to eight years.


  • Holds up to 48kg
  • Wheels made of strong rubber
  • Net dimension is 23.5(L)x 6(W)in
  • Carbon ball-bearings offer a smooth ride

13. Skera Speed Printed Skate Board

Skera Speed Printed Skate Board

vertical jump training

The Skera speed printed skateboard comes in both small and big board sizes. You will get them in attractive prints and designs. It features soft bushings, high-speed bearings, PU wheels, anti-skid surfaces, all of which make the skating effective.


  • Maximum weight capacity is 60kg
  • Heavy-duty, durable wheel construction
  • Soft bearings that are easy to glide and ride
  • Sturdy and durable product
  • No assembly required
This article is taken from momjunction. Com

Saturday, March 6, 2021

Books for self development

10 Best Self Improvement Books to read 

1. Whatcha Gonna Do with That Duck? by Seth Godin

This book is a masterpiece, and unlike most self-improvement books, this one targets an infinite array of areas in which you can, and ultimately must, improve.

With its ruthless honesty and genuine inspiration, Godin makes you ponder the difficult questions you wouldn’t ever dare to ask yourself. The result is a completely new perspective of the world- a fresher, more vibrant perspective, packed with new and bold possibilities.

If you need a friend who understands you, a boss that forces you to venture deep in your non-comfort zone, a wise guru that tells you what needs to be left behind and a sage that proclaims the coming of a new age, then look no further; you will find these shrewd voices all tied together in this magnificent book. Make sure to get this one.

paperback and kindle edition

2. Fooled by Randomness by Nassim Nicholas Taleb

Perhaps it is the fact that randomness played such a significant role in my years as a poker player that I find this book utterly important.

We often attribute skill where there is only luck; we confuse correlation with causation and we underestimate the incredible effect small changes can have.

This book gave me a perspective that I unfortunately rarely encounter in others: you can do everything right and still lose, or do everything wrong and still win. It is thus not about the outcome; it is about your actions that have lead you there.

This important message is central to many of my decisions I make in my life. This book by Taleb helps you develop such a perspective so you will be able to live in a world one cannot fully understand, where the results are not always clear markers of performance and where chance seems to play games with our fates. Stop being fooled by randomness!

paperback and kindle edition

3. The 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene

I read this book in a time where I thought power was something I should attain. Power for power’s sake. And while I disagree with my former self on this point, the fact remains that power is very real, it forms the invisible scepter of all hierarchical relations around us.

I still recommend this book. I believe it is important to know how people use power for their own benefit and what to do to protect yourself from certain abuses of power.

Besides the fact that all stories in this book gravitate around power. It contains many life lessons, amazing historical anecdotes. If read in a certain light, the ability to use power for good.

From Caesar to Goethe, Sun-Tzu to Machiavelli, this eye opening book spans a wide range of human development. If you, like me, would rather be interested in something less egotistical, perhaps Greene’s latest book Mastery will suffice (I haven’t read that one myself).

Another great book in the same style, but this time around; covering a wider scope, and perhaps, something that will make the world make a better place.

paperback and kindle edition

4. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen. R. Covey

The title of this book doesn’t capture it all. Covey shares with us seven habits one should adapt to become truly effective in whatever you would like to achieve.

Of course, it is not as easy as it sounds. He stresses the fact that we need to go through a paradigm shift – a fundamental change in how we perceive the world and ourselves.

This book can be read as a guide, with practices and everything, to go through the stages in order to make such a shift happen. Part shock-therapy, part ageless spiritual wisdom, Covey’s book is packed with wisdom that actually makes a difference.

And as I mentioned, don’t let the title of the book fool you; it is about much more than just becoming more effective. It is about becoming a whole integer person who not only seeks the best in oneself, but also in the people around her.

A must read for anyone who feels there is always something left to learn.


5. The Psychedelic Explorer’s Guide by James Fadiman

While finding a book on psychedelics in this list of books on self-improvement might come as a surprise, I believe any metaphysical distinction between tools such as books, meditation or molecules hold no ground. They should all be solely judged on their merits. And the merits of certain chemical keys, used in a constructive way, are perhaps bigger than any book in this list.

The Psychedelic Explorer’s Guide will teach you how to prepare yourself and your surroundings, what and how much to take, and what do do when something goes wrong. So you can safely enhance your thinking, creativity, introspection and emotional balance.

This book contains everything you need to know about using psychedelics as a tool for self-improvement while drawing on extensive scientific literature and personal wisdom. A must have for the beginning and experienced psychonaut alike.

6.  Eat That Frog! by Brian Tracy

We all know how that destructive downward spiral feels.

We have to do some big tasks of which the thought alone triggers resistance. We aren’t sure how and where to begin and feeling overwhelmed before we even start. We get easily distracted to get rid of that feeling, only to suddenly realize that hours went by- precious hours- and then find ourselves in the same position as before, still not knowing where and how to begin, but now, feeling guilty on top of it which expresses itself in more craving for distraction.

Tracy is truly a motivational writer. While I wished he had gone a bit deeper into the psychological reasons why people procrastinate, it is still a must have for anyone who wants to break the spell and get shit done.

paperback and kindle edition

7. Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

A from 1937, this book by Hill is a masterpiece. Don’t bother with the edited versions since they all omit important and controversial information: some historical, and some pertaining to the goal of the book, which is to think and grow rich.

The word rich might imply that this book is all about material gain, and while it certainly covers that area, it is about much more than that.

This is perhaps the first explicit mention of positive thinking on how to care not just about the cash in your pocket, but also the thoughts in your head.

This book has been able to withstand the destruction of time. It covers all the basics from planning, decision making and persistence, to the more advanced techniques as auto-suggestion, transmutation and what we can learn from fear.

This is not a grow rich book, but a timeless guide to find out what actually matters. As it says clearly in the beginning ‘Riches can’t always be measured in money!’

paperback and kindle edition

8. The Attention Revolution by Alan Wallace

In a world that is dominated by ever stronger technologies designed to grab your attention, a way to empower yourself is to bring that attention back to where you want it to shine. This book offers just that.

In The Attention Revolution, Wallace describes the path to attaining Shamatha, a buddhist meditation state of mind that is free from any flickering of distraction. It is a hard and long path, probably not possible for us to reach in this lifetime. However, even getting to stage two or three will make everything in life easier.

A wonderful introduction to meditation, The Attention Revolution will inspire you to take on the challenge and see what training your mind can actually achieve.

Once you have achieved such level of focus, you can put it to use to open your heart with the practice of The Four Immeasurables or deepen the practice with this wonderful commentary by Dudjom Lingpa, both by Alan B. Wallace.

Before you read this book, you may want to take a look at this guide so you get a better idea on how to prioritize your life:

paperback and kindle edition

9. The Paleo Manifesto by John Durant

In the last 10,000 years or so, it seems we have been propelled into an ever faster paced world forged by our own hands and minds. Only recently have we been able to reconstruct our journey and reflect back upon our humble origins.

This amazing book is such a reflection. It goes back to the paleolithic searching for answers to health and longevity.

Between science and his personal experiments, Durant weaves a mind blowing story that will convey the importance of an evolutionary perspective on how to live well.

It covers everything from nutrition to exercise, from sleep to fasting, from ancient practices to modern biohacking and even has an outline for a vision of the future where depression and obesity have become obsolete.

If you only have room for a couple of books on this list, make sure this one is included.

paperback and handcover

10. Mindsight by Daniel J. Siegel

As my Burmese meditation teacher often proclaimed, ‘Mindfulness alone is not enough!’ Siegel seems to have taken this to heart and made an unique synthesis between meditation, psychoanalysis and neuroscience which he calls ‘Mindsight‘. As he says himself, a potent combination between emotional and social intelligence.

All of us deal with one disorder or another, something that seems to disturb the very core of our being at ease; and while it might not always be the best strategy to want to get rid of it, it certainly helps to understand and have compassion for that little aspect that upsets that perfect image of ourselves.

Brimming with techniques, insights and epiphanies, this book contains everything you need to know to reprogram your brain and to optimally use its capacity of neuroplasticity. A great book for spiritual seekers and scientists alike. 

paperback and kindle edition

this article is taken from

best gardening tips

10 Top Gardening Tips for Beginners Wondering how to start a garden? Find your confidence with these expert gardening tips. Illustration of ...